Detroiters weigh new benefits for overtaxed homeowners: 'Putting lipstick on a pig'

Overtaxed Detroit homeowners get some help

The Future of Work Town Hall

Detroit Action removing barriers to provide job security for our returning citizens, low income and housing-insecure residents.

Biden fails to acknowledge our Detroiter reality

Detroit Action demands inclusion, investment and accountability for marginalized populations left behind

Mayor Duggan’s State of the City: A lasting legacy of harm

Detroit Action demands City Council amend budget to divest from police overspending and invest in housing support, community-based programs

Deadline Detroit: What Defunding Police Could Look Like In Detroit

In the early morning hours of Sept. 14, 2018, a Detroit SWAT unit descended on a west-side home, acting on a lead a homicide suspect was inside.…

Bridge Detroit: Detroit Action encourages active civic participation and absentee voting

You may have heard Donna Price on the other end of your telephone. The 59-year-old has spent the last year volunteering for Detroit Action, a…

MLive: Michigan Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist touts police reform efforts during virtual Juneteenth event

Michigan Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist spoke about forthcoming legislation that could impose significant reforms on the state’s criminal justice system…

Homelessness Among Young Children In Michigan Two And A Half Times Higher Than Previous Estimates

A new report says the number of homeless children in Michigan is likely two and a half times greater than previously thought.ListenListening…0:53 The…

Service Union Plans Big Push To Turn Midwest Political Tide

“Good Jobs Now” was featured in a write up in the New York Times on August 24th 2017. “The S.E.I.U. conducted a pilot project during the 2016…