Building power
For Black and Brown Working Class Detroiters.
Youth Organizing
The political and economic forces that have caused harm to Detroiters don’t exist in vacuums, our committee members are students and young people who’ve experienced the effects of gun violence, housing insecurity and poverty. In the wake of the Parkland shooting, a global pandemic causing an economic downturn where many young Black and LatinX workers have been laid off or are in harm’s way as essential workers or in the gig economy, and a global movement for racial justice lead by young people, we believe that the lived experience of urban youth and the realities they face must be elevated in order to advance any robust set of progressive policy proposals.
Take Action with us and join our High School Organizing Committee.
Our theory of change in engaging our youth cohort hinges on, three core beliefs:

We believe that by engaging young people in learning about the importance of the electoral process we are able to help build the bench of leaders for the future while shaping policy through hands-on civic and political education.
We believe that youth are central to any political change. We perform high capacity voter registration drives for high school students and young adults using a mixture of traditional organizing, digital outreach and cultural/social gatherings focused on building community and informing new civic leaders.
We are building the type of community our youth leaders deserve by building deep relationships across racials, economic and generational lines anchored by commonly held values.