Building power

For Black and Brown Working Class Detroiters.

Inclusive Democracy

We build power at the neighborhood level; one person at a time, one block at a time. We envision a vibrant and thriving economy in which all Detroiters have access to good jobs, safe streets, excellent public education, reliable public transportation, and affordable quality housing regardless of their background. To achieve this vision, low and moderate-income Detroiters, and especially within the majority communities of color, must build power to affect change in our state, our city and our neighborhoods. Building long-term power in Detroit’s most challenging neighborhoods will not be possible without a deep commitment to leadership development, policy advocacy and innovation and integrated voter engagement.  

In our current political environment, the leadership of Detroiters of color has been disregarded and ignored for that of corporate interests. To this end, neighborhood leaders must be in deep allyship with young people, low and moderate-income residents, organized labor and other key allies to seize this opportunity to build capacity and create the civic leadership necessary to change our communities for the better. 

Transformative Politics

What does Transformative Politics & an Inclusive Democracy look like at Detroit Action?

Transformational Politics Definitions