Building power

For Black and Brown Working Class Detroiters.

Housing Justice

Detroit exists in a period of great transition almost 7 years removed from the largest municipal bankruptcy ever.  In the national conversation, Detroit is considered a symbol of gritty rebirth, used by marketers and politicians alike. For many, there is great optimism as the city welcomes big business, which has stemmed the tide of population loss for the first time in 50 years. Yet, for many born and raised Detroiters, we are living in a modern “Tale of Two Cities”; a Detroit for the rich and (mostly white) newly arrived and one for Black and Brown residents that have survived the economic shocks of divestment, the Great Recession, austerity and years of hyper-segregation. No place is this “Two Detroits” feeling more apparent than in many neighborhoods as residents struggle to find and maintain affordable housing. 


A safe, affordable, stable home is indispensable to any family’s ability to thrive. We are fighting for the heart and soul of Detroit neighborhoods by getting local residents engaged and demanding a solution to our foreclosure and affordable housing crisis. We believe that in order to create a “Detroit For All”, where all residents have the freedom to thrive, we must tackle our housing crisis using a multi-pronged approach that targets local, state, federal and corporate actors.

Too many within our community live one rent increase or emergency away from facing an eviction.  Together we can fight for:

Property Tax Justice:

Compensation for property tax foreclosures and an investment in affordable housing and home repairs

Eliminate Homelessness

It is unconscionable that in the biggest city in the state of Michigan, we have almost 15,000 Detroiters without a home. We are fighting to house every Detroit permanently and sustainably.

Equitable development:

Ending corporate tax captures that prevent necessary resources from going to our neighborhoods and key resources

Protecting Renters and Seniors

Detroit area renters need more protections against landlord abuse. We are fighting for a local bill of rights for Detroit Tenants and Renters Bill of Rights for everyone in the state. Renters in our community are demanding fair chance housing for returning citizens, a fully funded right to counsel, relocation assistance in case of red tagging, increased safety inspection standards, legal protection against discrimination based on housing status, just cause eviction, renter agency for repairs, a ban on hidden rental fees, and other such policies.